Self Help LEgal Movement Gets a Blog

SHLEP’s goal is to bring the benefits of a daily weblog to the Self-Help Law movement. Developments and news about self-help will be presented (often thanks to the efforts of the good folk at In addition to creating or organizing background materials for those who want to find self-help resources, your editor will attempt to keep readers informed of self-help resources available to the public and to professional providers of those services, of studies and reports on self-help law and related issues, of relevant symposia and meetings, and of the people and groups aiding (or obstructing) the movement.

shlep: the Self-Help Law ExPress » About shlep

Found via BoleyBlogs! SHLEP will blog the coming legal literacy revolution.

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Chief Windows Developer Leaves MSFT, Heads to Amazon

19-year Microsoft veteran Brian Valentine, who has led Windows development since 1998, is leaving the Redmond company to join The news comes just one month after Microsoft said Valentine would transition to a new, unspecified role.Valentine began working at Microsoft in 1987 as an Engineering Manager in the LAN Manager Group. He was largely responsible for cleaning up the Windows 2000 development mess and getting the operating system out the door.

BetaNews | Windows Head Departs for Amazon

That is a lot of developer memory to let go out the door.  Does amke you wonder abotu the future for Vista.

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Get Your Linux, Your Way

So you want a Linux that’s set up with just the applications you want — no more, no less. What do you do? Well, an expert Linux user does it himself. But, not everyone’s a Linux legend. For the rest of us, there are two good choices.There’s a low-end personal option:‘s free service, SystemDesigner. There’s also a high-end corporate choice: rPath‘s rBuilder.

DIY Linux, the easy way

A couple of interesting approaches to rolling your own Linux distros.  Handy for getting the whole stack together.

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Pre-Order MSFT Vista!

Microsoft appears to be on track to release Windows Vista for sale at retail outlets in January 2007—that’s if the information posted on is correct.Online retailer is accepting preorders for Windows Vista software, which it says will be available on Jan. 30, 2007.

Amazon Reveals Windows Vista Pricing

We’ll skip the boring details, suffice to say it ain’t cheap and MSFT is not solid on the release date. 

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CA Western SOL Debuts Weekly Podcast

“Although a handful of other law schools use podcasts for lectures and speaker events, we believe California Western is the first law school to offer a weekly news commentary,” said David Bowers

California Western Podcast: Law in 10, Your Weekly Legal Analysis, Debuts

Well, Classcaster has podcasts from about 3 dozen law faculty representing some 30 schools.  The Classcaster podcast network includes over 1250 podcasts totaling nearly 1500 hours of lecture and commentary from law faculty and librarians.  Not bad since Classcaster turns 1 year old this week.

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Corel Buys InterVideo for $196 Million in Cash

Corel on Monday announced an agreement to acquire multimedia software publisher InterVideo, most known for its WinDVD lineup, in an all-cash deal valued at $196 million. The move expands Corel’s portfolio into video editing and DVD creation.With its office products largely reaching their peak amid increasing competition from, Corel has endeavored to shift its software business into multimedia. The company acquired JASC Software and its popular Paint Shop Pro offering in 2004 and is readying a new imaging platform code-named “Alta.”

BetaNews | Corel Acquires InterVideo for $196M

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BB Is A Cash Cow

During the second quarter, Blackboard had a software-license renewal rate of more than 90 percent. It added 136 new licenses but total license growth reflected WebCT customers and climbed 52 percent to 4,802 from 3,149 a year ago. Total contract value was $148 million, or an average of $30,800 per license.

Blackboard sees 32 percent growth – Business – The Washington Times, America’s Newspaper

Of course it is way too early to see ifthere is going to be any significant impact from fall out of Blackboards recently announced patent.  Still, 4,802 licenses is a lot of folks and even if they lose a quarter, they’d still be a head of when they acquired WebCT.  I don’t see how any sort of patent fall out in the community is going to really ding Blackboard.

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Dell Recalls a Lot of Laptop Batteries

Dell announced a recall today of lithium-ion batteries sold in many of our notebook computers over the past two years. You may have seen the recent New York Times story or have seen other details in the blogosphere. As the leader of the mobile business for Dell, I wanted to share my thoughts on this recall.

Direct2Dell, Dell’s Weblog

Direct from the source.  You can find out everything you need to know at the recall website.

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Apple Finally Fixes Email!

“A lot of times we want to keep a To Do list, you can select a note and say make it a To Do and they show up like this. But it’s even more powerful than this. I can take any email, any document and say make it a to do. But it’s not just Mail. Any application can tie into it and contribute To Dos and view To Dos. So iCal is tied into this. All of your apps can tie into this and have one systemwide To Do service.”

Live from WWDC 2006: Steve Jobs keynote – Engadget

This all I’ve wanted in an email app for about the last 8 years. Just take a message and make it a ‘To Do’. Seems easy enough, but I’ve never really found anythign that could actually do it with subjecting me to a lot of pain. I hope that this works as well as they make it seem. If it does, I’ll be switching in short order.

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Blogs Gaining Notice in Legal Arena

Berman has penned more than 50 law review articles and commentaries, he estimates that only about a half-dozen of those traditional forms of published scholarship have been cited in judicial opinions.His popular Sentencing Law & Policy Blog, on the other hand, has been cited in more than a dozen cases, including a dissenting opinion in a 2005 landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court (United States v. Booker).

In the News – Full Article, In the News, News and Events, School of Law, Northwestern University

Good article on the increasing impact of blogs for legal academics and practioners.  Seems that blogging is becoming an accepted format for legal writing.

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