InformationWeek > Voice-Over-IP > VoIP Gotchas > November 14, 2005 – Doesn’t actually say ‘Danger, Will Robinson’, but it is pretty close. Worth the read as a good HowNotTo on deploying VOIP in your org. Sure VOIP is scary, it ain’t all this bad, especially if you keep your wits about you.
Evil Blogging Hacks
Recently Steve Rubel had a few good ideas. We have a few others. But this time its all about how to get get around the rules and not get delisted on Google, or banned by Technorati, and or booted from Google Adsense. First rule of BlogClub don’t talk about BlogClub.
The Ten Evilest and Mostly Unethical Blogging Hacks » Jack of All Blogs
Followon to an earlier piece.
Urchin Customers Reactly Badly to Google Analytics
I don’t know how many other people like us there are – people who paid for hosted Urchin before today’s announcement. But I bet that all of them are pissed.
OnoTech – Google: Start acting like a real business or you’re doomed
There are other stories like this beginning to float to the surface about the change Google made shutting done the paid Urchin service and giving it away as Google Analytics. Looks like another case of Google doing what Google wants without much input from customers. Not much of a conversation I guess.
Blogging Systems Reveiwed
“With published numbers saying there are approximately 70,000 new blogs being created each day, and the total number of blogs doubling every 5 months, it’s no wonder that everyone and their dog is wondering whether to setup their own blog for a chance at fame, or perhaps a book publishing deal. The question then becomes: What software should you use? SitePoint has just published The Blog Software Smackdown which takes a look at Movable Type, WordPress, and Textpattern. Pick one, and take your stab at fame or notoriety.”
Slashdot | Blog Software Smackdown
WordPress does well in the review. I must admit, I hadn’t heard of Textpattern before. If you’re thinking of hosting your own blogging system, this article is a good read.
Get a Dell? Paypal it!
Dell said on Monday that its online store now accepts PayPal as a form of payment. The company said it was interested in giving customers more choice in how to complete their transactions, and tech-savvy users of the site are ideal prospective customers. PayPal has approximately 86.6 million accounts, and in the third quarter processed more than $6.7 billion in transactions between its users.
BetaNews | Dell Now Accepting PayPal Payments
Makes sense. With Ebay’s recent acquisition of Verisign’s payment gateway business, we’ll certainly be seeing more of this sort of thing.
Libraries, Patrons Clash Over Audiobooks
Yo, Libraries: say No to DRM – Excellent article by Doc Searls about the mess libraries are getting into trying to distribute audio books. In a nutshell, libraries are trying to offer audio books for download, but the major vendor in this area only offers the works in WMA format so patrons cannot use their iPods. This leads to a lot of frustration.
Providing a service that allows patrons to downlaod and listen to audiobooks is a very good idea. Getting locked into a format battle between closed systems is not. Librarians need to take a closer look ath the technology involved in these sorts of decisions before committing. Audiobooks in a format that allows use by the greatest number of patrons while protecting the author’s rights would be ideal here.
Apple Scares the iPod out of iPodder
podcasters : Message: iPodder Lemon makes a drastic change : iPodder is forced to change name of its podcatcher as Apple tightens control of the iPod mark. Via Scripting News.
MSFT To Delete Sony DRM as Malware
Microsoft Corp. will start deleting the rootkit component of the controversial DRM scheme used by Sony BMG Music Entertainment. The software giant’s Windows AntiSpyware application will be updated to add a detection and removal signature for the rootkit features used in the XCP digital rights management technology.
Microsoft Zapping Sony DRM ‘Rootkit’
This is kinda funny:) One wonders if MSFT would be taking the safe position if Sony was using MSFT DRM.
InfoTrac Gets Podcasts
Thomson Gale, part of The Thomson Corporation (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC), announces the addition of podcast feeds to InfoTrac on Thomson Gale PowerSearch and its Student Resource Center, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center and History Resource Center databases. Weekly presidential radio addresses by George W. Bush from January 2005 to the present will be podcast beginning today. New presidential radio addresses will be added weekly.
Gale – Press Room – 2005 – 11 – Thomson Gale Adds Podcast Feeds To Database Resources – Home
Via Library Stuff. So, will Thompson West pickup on this and include Classcaster stuff in Westlaw?
Training Vids for OpenOffice
Having trouble converting your family and office mates into OpenOffice devotees? NewsForge (Owned by the same people that bring you Slashdot) can now help you convince the visual learners around you that they can do it. NewsForge is releasing a series of free video segments that demonstrate OpenOffice in action from installation to day-to-day use.