Richard Posner announces sudden retirement from federal appeals court in Chicago.
Rescuing Pluto from the Cold: Creating an Assessment-Centered Legal Education by Steven Friedland :: SSRN
Rescuing Pluto from the Cold: Creating an Assessment-Centered Legal Education by Steven Friedland :: SSRN
Anthropologist examines how for-profits wrought change among law schools
Anthropologist examines how for-profits wrought change among law schools
Curation Over Creation: Getting the Most Out of Existing Legal Information :: Slaw
Curation Over Creation: Getting the Most Out of Existing Legal Information :: Slaw
Rejection from state regulator seals fate of Charlotte School of Law
Rejection from state regulator seals fate of Charlotte School of Law
The Guardian: Pearson to axe 3,000 jobs after slump at main US business
The Guardian: Pearson to axe 3,000 jobs after slump at main US business.
Inslee, New York Governor Cuomo, and California Governor Brown announce formation of United States Climate Alliance | Governor Jay Inslee
New York, California and Washington, representing over one-fifth of U.S. Gross Domestic Product, are committed to achieving the U.S. goal of reducing emissions 26-28 percent from 2005 levels and meeting or exceeding the targets of the federal Clean Power Plan.
Droid Life: Comcast’s Xfinity Mobile is Live for Internet Subscribers, Costs Just $45 for Unlimited (For Now)
Droid Life: Comcast’s Xfinity Mobile is Live for Internet Subscribers, Costs Just $45 for Unlimited (For Now)
New – on an Amazon RDS Snapshot | AWS Blog
[S]tarting today, the entire public database is available for anyone to copy via Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). data includes data on all spending by the federal government, including contracts, grants, loans, employee salaries, and more. The data is available via a PostgreSQL snapshot, which provides bulk access to the entire database, and is updated nightly. At this time, the database includes all for the second quarter of fiscal year 2017, and data going back to the year 2000 will be added over the summer. You can learn more about the database and how to access it on its AWS Public Dataset landing page.
Source: New – on an Amazon RDS Snapshot | AWS Blog
UPDATE: Women & Justice, Cornell & the LII » LII Announce
UPDATE: Women & Justice, Cornell & the LII » LII Announce