Support Token provides Token tokens support for tickets created with the Support module.
links for 2010-11-22
links for 2010-11-21
links for 2010-11-20
links for 2010-11-19
The Proteus module displays closed questions depending on the current "level" of the student. After answering a question correct, the levels of a student are updated to a new level, depending on the number of tries the student needed to answer the question.
links for 2010-11-18
good example of using HTML5 video tag.
lots of good stuff including setting up Yahoo! Answers type functionality.
links for 2010-11-15
Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs.
links for 2010-11-13
The Sign-Up Problem is a phenomenon where visitors want to contribute content on a website but do not register (and thus do not contribute) because they do not want to fill out the registration form.
This module allows anonymous users to begin creating content immediately, without registering (if they have permission to do so). Once they get engaged on the site, they are more likely to register, at which point all of the posts they created while anonymous will be transferred to their new authenticated user account.
links for 2010-11-12
The Deny Access module allows overriding access granted by other node access modules and/or core. It uses the node access system but not the {node_access} table, and so if you don't have any other node access module installed, then it does not carry the typical overhead. At this point it's a very simple module.