An environment that extends current wiki technology to enable rapid deployment, content aggregation, structured data, and powerful extensibility.
links for 2007-02-13
Extracted from a book.
ln -s . < folder name>; This acutally worked.
Amberjack is a lightweight Open Source library, enabling webmasters to create cool site tours. By guiding your site visitors, Amberjack tours can greatly improve the usability of your website.
links for 2007-02-11
net2ftp can easily be integrated in other PHP applications. Modules for Mambo, Drupal and Xoops are provided in the zip file.
links for 2007-02-10
copyright law for educators
links for 2007-02-09
links for 2007-02-08
links for 2007-02-07
Roadsend PHP Compiler is an open source, native compiler for the PHP language. It compiles PHP source code to stand alone, native binaries which do not require an interpreter. Roadsend Compiler can build online web applications with Fast/CGI, offline web
links for 2007-02-06
The vb2Py project is developing a suite of conversion tools to aid in translating existing Visual Basic projects into Python.
links for 2007-02-03
Another AJAX toolkit.
an open source flash server:)
links for 2007-02-02
some place to stash a large collection of PDFs and SWFs?
blogging from OneNote