A simple, serverless means of producing and distributing rich media content consisting of video, audio, and slides from the originator’s computer to multiple clients.
links for 2007-11-14
links for 2007-11-10
Recommended for CSS and JS
links for 2007-11-09
case study on the NYO drupal site development.
links for 2007-11-07
Prism now provides a cross-platform way to integrate the web platform with the desktop environment, and developers don’t have to lift a finger to desktop-enable their web applications, while users have the choice to use their favorite web apps in their
links for 2007-11-06
Drupal, not looking like Drupal.
links for 2007-11-03
Browser-based access to an Eclipse IDE or an Eclipse-based application allows users to access Eclipse without any installation or configuration.
links for 2007-11-02
links for 2007-10-31
$99 for the set. Includes 32×32
links for 2007-10-30
get all your feeds into a single stream.