New Paper From Indiana U Law Faculty Shows Significant Law Student Satisfaction With Online Classes

This is the first article to provide empirical data on the effectiveness of distance education in law schools since the ABA this summer approved increasing the total number of credits that law students could earn through online classes from 15 to 30. Our data, composed of law student surveys and focus groups, reveal not only the success of distance education in their experience, but also the methods that are most effective for them.

— Dutton, Yvonne and Ryznar, Margaret and Long, Kayleigh, Assessing Online Learning in Law Schools: Students Say Online Classes Deliver (October 1, 2018). Denver University Law Review, Forthcoming; Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Research Paper 2018-13. Available at SSRN:

This article is important for 2 reasons. First, it provides an excellent survey of the state of online education in American law schools including information on what schools are providing online courses (hint: lots) and how those courses are being taught. Second, it provides solid empirical evidence of the success of online classes in an ABA accredited law school with the course being taught within the scope of the accreditation rules.

This is a must read for law school Deans, faculty, librarians, and technologists.

Project MUSE offers nearly 300 “HTML5” open access books on re-designed platform | JHU Press

Project MUSE offers nearly 300 “HTML5” open access books on re-designed platform

More searchable and discoverable than PDFs, the improved new format represents the “next chapter” in OA publishing in the humanities and social sciences

Project MUSE offers nearly 300 “HTML5” open access books on re-designed platform | JHU Press

The press release offers no details on the platform though it doesn’t appear to be Pressbooks, already a leader in the OER space.

Berkman’s TagTeam is an open source feed aggregator and tagging system

TagTeam is an RSS / Atom / RDF aggregator with the ability to filter and remix its input feeds with a high degree of flexibility.

Items can be added directly to TagTeam “bookmarking collections” via the provided delicious-like bookmarklet, and these items can be remixed and filtered like any other item.

TagTeam can aggregate content from anything that emits RSS, Atom, or RDF. This includes delicious, zotero, WordPress, twitter, mediawiki, connotea, blogger, github, and too many other applications and services to mention. It uses the feed-abstract gem, written as part of this project to create a better way of dealing with structured feeds. feed-abstract understands some generators and does magical things – like turning twitter hashtags into actual tags on aggregated items.

TagTeam can import Delicious and Connotea backups directly into a bookmark collection, and will support more formats soon.

Remixed feeds are available as RSS 2.0, Atom, and jsonp output and can be viewed directly in a hub. Feeds, FeedItems, and Tags can be added and removed from a Remixed feed contextually within the application.

tagteam/README.rdoc at master · berkmancenter/tagteam · GitHub

Learn to make Vietnamese beef pho in record time

When a fast beef pho is in order, try this recipe. To let pho aromatics and spices shine, mix beef and chicken broth. The combination creates a lighter, appropriate canvas for painting a pho profile. Broths that taste like beef or chicken and not much else work best.

Thinly sliced roast beef sold at deli counters is fabulously convenient, and because it’s minimally seasoned, it plays well with the pho flavors. Leftover cooked steak is terrific, too.

Learn to make Vietnamese beef pho in record time

Harvard’s Berkman Center To Stop Running Groundbreaking Blogging Network

With these two sets of issues in mind, we will end our operation of the platform in favor of a new platform managed by Harvard University’s Information Technology team. Specifics of that transition are being worked out, and we expect to roll out plans in collaboration with HUIT over the coming weeks.

Upcoming Changes in the Blogs.Harvard Blogging Platform | Weblogs at Harvard

This pioneering network of blogs was initially spearheaded by Dave Winer during his tenure as a Berkman Fellow back in 2003. The network was initially powered by Userland Manilla and was eventually migrated to WordPress. It is unclear what will happen to the one of the oldest blogging networks still in use today.

Aurora Serverless MySQL Generally Available | AWS News Blog

You may have heard of Amazon Aurora, a custom built MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible database born and built in the cloud. You may have also heard of serverless, which allows you to build and run applications and services without thinking about instances. These are two pieces of the growing AWS technology story that we’re really excited to be working on. Last year, at AWS re:Invent we announced a preview of a new capability for Aurora called Aurora Serverless. Today, I’m pleased to announce that Aurora Serverless for Aurora MySQL is generally available. Aurora Serverless is on-demand, auto-scaling, serverless Aurora. You don’t have to think about instances or scaling and you pay only for what you use.

Aurora Serverless MySQL Generally Available | AWS News Blog

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