What is Gatsby.js? Good Question. Here’s a Quick Answer.

Gatsby is a React-based, GraphQL powered, static site generator. What does that even mean?  Well, it weaves together the best parts of React, webpack, react-router, GraphQL, and other front-end tools in to one very enjoyable developer experience. Don’t get hung up on the moniker ‘static site generator’.  That term has been around for a while, but Gatsby is far more like a modern front-end framework than a static site generator of old.

You code and develop your site, Gatsby transforms it into a directory with a single HTML file and your static assets. This folder is uploaded to your favorite hosting provider, and voila.
Overall think, part Jekyll, part create-react-app.

Source: What is Gatsby.js | Mediacurrent

Looks like I need to take a peek at Gatsby.js and see what’s going on there. Most intriguing are features to leverage APIs on existing CMS’s to pull the content and display it with a new more modern front-end.

Microsoft Is Said to Have Agreed to Acquire Coding Site GitHub – Bloomberg

Microsoft Is Said to Have Agreed to Acquire Coding Site GitHub – Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-03/microsoft-is-said-to-have-agreed-to-acquire-coding-site-github

If this is true, and we’ll know soon enough, it changes the landscape for open source software development. The acquisition may be behind the GNOME project’s decision to move to GitLab, an open source alternative to Gitub.

It’s worth mention that git and GitHub are not the same thing. There will almost certainly be stories floating around that MSFT is buying git, but that isn’t the case. GitHub is just the must popular of several web based front ends to git.

MariaDB launches Oracle compatible enterprise open source database

MariaDB TX 3.0 introduces built-in, system-versioned tables, enabling developers to easily build temporal features into applications. This eliminates the need to manually create columns, tables and triggers in order to maintain row history, freeing DBAs to simply create new tables with system versioning or alter existing tables to add it, streamlining the process significantly. Developers can query a table with standard SQL to see what data looked like at a previous point in time, such as looking at a customer’s profile history to see how preferences have changed over time.

— MariaDB launches Oracle compatible enterprise open source database :: betanews https://betanews.com/2018/05/24/mariadb-enterprise-open-source-database/

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