Installation of Lemur Certificate Manager on Ubuntu :: HowtoForge
Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless, open source cloud platform
An open source platform for serverless, event-driven code at any scale. We handle the infrastructure & servers so you can focus on building amazing things.
Source: Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless, open source cloud platform
This interesting, as the whole serverless idea catches on.
Lifehacker: Here’s What’s Coming and Going From Netflix in March 2018
Lifehacker: Here’s What’s Coming and Going From Netflix in March 2018.
How to Install and Use Netdata Performance Monitoring Tool on Debian 9
How to Install and Use Netdata Performance Monitoring Tool on Debian 9
New kitchen
This is the new kitchen.
My Twitter Digest for 02/17/2018
- Tulip mania: the classic story of a Dutch financial bubble is mostly wrong 09:23:43, 2018-02-17
- My Twitter Digest for 02/16/2018 15:30:12, 2018-02-17
My Twitter Digest for 02/16/2018
- RT @letsencrypt: Getting ready to use wildcard certificates from Let's Encrypt? Here's more information about the staging endpoint for ACME… 10:02:07, 2018-02-16
- RT @sjschultze: Each docketed SCOTUS case has a corresponding RSS feed. Plug that into to get an email every time… 10:03:00, 2018-02-16
- RT @johnpmayer: An overview of the technology solutions being implemented by LSC grantees @A2JAuthor represented in… 12:08:31, 2018-02-16
- RT @uscode: US Code: Classifications for Pub. L. 115-125 and 115-126 now available on 12:12:10, 2018-02-16
- RT @CanLII: Law Via the Internet 2018 call for papers ? 12:12:47, 2018-02-16 - RT @SoCalTaxProf: Weekly Legal Education Roundup 16:41:55, 2018-02-16 - RT @textfiles: In 2017, Internet Archive researcher @vinaygo and others extracted 50,000 Powerpoint presentations from .mil (Military) doma… 16:45:29, 2018-02-16
- RT @mlissner: Conservative twitter is having a field day with this. It's an order that Mueller turn over exculpatory evidence for Flynn. A… 16:48:11, 2018-02-16
- RT @sglassmeyer: 10/20/30 Networking Event: Getting Women A Seat At The Table – Chicago, TECHSHOW week! Wed, March 7, 20 8:30 PM – 10:30 PM… 17:21:09, 2018-02-16
Tulip mania: the classic story of a Dutch financial bubble is mostly wrong
Tulip mania: the classic story of a Dutch financial bubble is mostly wrong
WebAssembly First Public Working Drafts | W3C News
WebAssembly First Public Working Drafts | W3C News
My Twitter Digest for 02/14/2018
- I’m LegalZoom CEO John Suh, and This Is How I Work 14:00:22, 2018-02-14
- My Twitter Digest for 02/13/2018 15:30:47, 2018-02-14
- RT @CreightonLawLib: @caliorg and law students are a perfect match! 16:01:12, 2018-02-14
- RT @weblawlib: Hey law students, Happy Valentine’s Day from @caliorg 16:01:16, 2018-02-14
- RT @mojavelinux: Today I discovered the site Real World PlantUML, which is pretty much a dream for anyone like myself looking for examples… 22:41:24, 2018-02-14
- RT @SoCalTaxProf: California Law Firm Revenues, Lawyer Salaries Are Booming 22:45:26, 2018-02-14