My Twitter Digest for 08/26/2017

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My Twitter Digest for 08/23/2017

Integrating Amazon Alexa With a Drupal 8 Site | Mediacurrent

If you’ve ever used Alexa, it may seem like it must be extremely complicated to get her to respond like she does. However, if you have your content inside Drupal, it’s not terribly difficult to get her to utilize that data for your own custom Alexa skill. Let’s take a look at how to accomplish that.

Source: Integrating Amazon Alexa With a Drupal 8 Site | Mediacurrent

This looks easy enough. What if my Drupal site is publishing the latest court opinions? I wonder if Alexa would read those to me.

My Twitter Digest for 08/22/2017

My Twitter Digest for 08/21/2017

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