The New York Times > Business > Novell Posts Loss in the Second Quarter
“Novell, a seller of network software and consulting services, reported a second-quarter loss yesterday, missing analysts’ estimates because of higher costs. Shares fell in extended trading.“
Podcasts Announced by NBC, ABC News
Podcasts catch on at NBC, ABC news divisions – Yahoo! News
“ABC News and NBC News announced plans Tuesday to offer podcasts, the rapidly growing mobile technology.“
ABC is up now with content that includes Nightline. NBC will add podcasts in June from
Red Hat to Open-Source Netscape Directory
Red Hat to Open-Source Netscape Directory Next Week
“Next week, Red Hat is planning to release into open source the Netscape Directory technology it acquired in September 2004. That is according to Joanne Rohde, Red Hat executive vice president, who spoke on a panel here on open source. The panel was one of three held Tuesday, and was sponsored jointly by the Information Technology Association of America and NASDAQ.“
Visula Studio Plugin Allows for Linux Development
Mainsoft’s ‘Grasshopper’ Gives Visual Studio Developers Jump on Writing Linux Apps
“Mainsoft Corp. Tuesday announced a program and a new tool for Visual Studio .Net developers to use their familiar tool set to write applications for Linux.The San Jose, Calif., company announced its Visual Studio .Net for Linux Developer Program as well as its new Visual MainWin for J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) Developer Edition tool, code-named Grasshopper.”
Academic Publishers See Google Library Project As Threat
Slashdot | Publishers Protest Google Library Project
“A group of academic publishers is challenging Google Inc.’s plan to scan millions of library books into its Internet search engine index, highlighting fears that the ambitious project will violate copyrights and stifle future sales. In a letter scheduled to be delivered to Google Monday, the Association of American University Presses described the online search engine’s library project as a troubling financial threat to its membership — 125 nonprofit publishers of academic journals and scholarly books. The university presses depend on books sales and other licensing agreements for most of their revenue, making copyright protections essential to their survival.“
Google’s only response is to license the material, I think. That would be the only thing that would get support from these folks. There will be more of this as Google moves forward with this project.
New Map of Federal Courts
U.S. Federal Courts Map
“The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts has released a new, improved and surprisingly useful interactive map of the 12 regional judicial circuits and 94 judicial districts.“
The map provides an iterface for finding links to the various district and appeals courts for a given jurisdiction.
Track Search Engine Spiders
Track Search Engine Spiders – Free Web Analytics Software for Apache Web Server
“Use trackSpiders.cgi to track spiders from major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN). This free web analytics software will examine an Apache web server log and will display visits from Googlebot, Yahoo Slurp, and MSNBot. It takes an optional query string in the format s=ygm where each letter corresponds to the search engine spider for the major search engines. For example, specifying s=g will only display pages crawled by Googlebot.”
The Future of Law Libraries Video Online
Future of Law Libraries Symposium Video
This symposium was held on March 10 & 11, 2005 at Amelia Island Plantation. It was organized by Florida Coastal School of Law and sponsored by Thomson West and the Infilaw System.
A Listing of Legal Etnics Sites
This list includes the LII materials on legal ethics
. It occurs to me that this is some space that CALI might get further into. We have a handful of Lessons
in this area, but it is an area that is of ongoing concern to all prationers (or should be). A reference library of Lessons linked to the LII materials would be something that would generate interest among attornies.
Fake Microsoft Patch Launches Virus
Fake Microsoft Patch Triggers Virus Attack
“In what has become a monthly staple, virus writers are taking advantage of the heightened public interest around Microsoft’s patching cycle to trick users into executing a malicious attachment.The latest social engineering trick arrives via e-mail with an attachment that purports to be a “cumulative patch” for May 2005.
The claim is that the executable file contains patches for vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, three widely used products with a history of serious security bugs.
The file is actually an executable for a variant of W32.Pinfi, a memory-resident polymorphic virus capable of replicated via mapped drives and network shares.“