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Kubuntu – Ubuntu + KDE
Kubuntu – Pure KGX
“The Kubuntu project aims to be to KDE what Ubuntu is to Gnome: a great integrated distro with all the great features of Ubuntu, but based on the KDE desktop.“
Law School Constortium Project Receives ABA Legal Services Award
Integrated Apache, MySQL and PHP Pass CERT7
SourceLabs AMP Stack Integrates Apache, MySQL and PHP
“The Seattle startup announced the release of its SourceLabs AMP Stack, a distribution of open-source software–including the Apache Web server, the MySQL database and the PHP development environment (AMP)–that has been tested and certified for reliability, security and scalability, said Byron Sebastian, chief executive at SourceLabs Inc.“
SourceLab ran Apache 1.3.33, PHP 5.03, and MySQL 4.1.9 through a serious of rigorous security and performance test. The result is AMP Stack. The stack is available for download here.
Blogging the List of New CALI Lessons
BoleyBlogs! – New CALI Lessons
BoleyBlogs! blogs the new list of CALI Lessons that was emailed last week. This is a great way to get information about new lessons out to studetns and faculty. Besides including links to the Lessons, the post includes this link to the Boley Law Library’s excellent CALI page.
Now, if they would use the CALI WebAPI…
Is Yahoo 360 a Good Thing?
Reading Yahoo! 360 through “The Lessons of Lucasfilm’s Habitat”
Good article looking at how Yahoo! 360 is developing and how it seems to be yet another attempt to lock users into a closed world controlled by one corporation or another. I can’t really comment on Yahoo 360 since I haven’t been invited to join, though I’ve beeen using Yahoo for email and such for longer than I can remember.
Grabbing Internet Radio Streams With VLC Player
NewsForge | Building an Internet radio recorder with VLC Player
“It’s nice to be able to listen to a net radio station directly on your computer. But wouldn’t it be great if you could record it on your hard disk? Better yet, what if you could schedule recordings, so you don’t miss your favourite programmes? Using VLC Player and a simple batch file you can turn your computer into a radio recorder.“
Shining Light on the Windows LIfe-Cycle Process
Understanding the Windows lifecycle policy (for all you IT Pros out there)
“With so many customers relying on IE, it helps to get a solid grasp of the Windows Lifecycle Policy, which at first blush can appear to be a bit cryptic. Fortunately I think I can shed some light on Microsoft’s policy“
OK, so a quick read indicates that MSFT is supporting 6 versions of IE on 8 different versions of Windows. Wow! THat is a bit of a nightmare, even with the deep pockets of MSFT. If you figure in stuff like variations in hardware, net access, other installed software, it just makes support a nightmare on a good day.
Novell Linux Options Stir Migrations
Novell users eye Linux for kernel swap – Computerworld
“Two weeks after Novell Inc. released software that lets users run its stack of computing services on either the NetWare or Linux kernel, members of the NetWare faithful cited widely varying plans for migrating their servers to Linux.
Some attendees at the software vendor’s BrainShare user conference here said they’re in no rush to move to SUSE Linux, the distribution of the open-source operating system that Novell acquired in January 2004. But others are starting to dabble with Linux, and some are eager to take the plunge right away.“
A new ClassCaster post
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