Add Structure to Your Blog

Library Stuff
Structured Blogging is exactly what it sounds like: Having more structure to a blog entry (and more importantly, the syndicated feed behind it) in order to go beyond just reading it in your browser or aggregator. It allows people to connect with others in more ways than ever. It allows for more organization (and then manipulation) of blog entries.

I need to take a look at this to see how it goes beyond (or if it goes beyond) categories in a blog. Suddenly meta data seems to be all the rage.

SuSE Pro 9.3 Is Loaded

BetaNews | Novell Packs Apps Into SuSE Linux 9.3
On a high level, SuSE Linux Professional 9.3 is built atop the Linux Kernel 2.6.11, using either KDE 3.4 or GNOME 2.10 as its default desktop environment. As opposed to retail versions of Windows, SuSE can take advantage of the latest PC processors, including the AMD Athlon 64 and Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology.

Novell has provided Linux users with a catalogue of end-to-end desktop applications. Productivity software, Internet tools and multimedia viewers are all included. Reflecting today’s hostile Internet environment, the package also integrates system security: a firewall, spam blocker and virus scanner.

Novell Ships Open Enterprise

BetaNews | Novell Ships Joint Linux, NetWare Server
Narrowly missing its February target release, Novell on Thursday announced that Open Enterprise Server has begun to ship. The server combines Novell’s rewritten NetWare core with SuSE Linux Server 9, providing customers with a central console to manage a mixed environment of NetWare and Linux servers.

Open Enterprise Server rolls file, directory, print, management, and messaging services into a single package. The server is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server distributions.

Greetings from the Future of Law Libraries Symposium

We get under way in about 30 minutes.  I’m going to be trying something different, making audio posts from time to time since I’m not sure if we’ll have always on net access.  Click here for an audio update on the symposium.  I’m using a prototype of a new CALI service called ClassCaster to do the posting.  Look for new ClassCaster postings to follow along and excuse the audio quality, I’m still tuning it:)

LexisNexis Says Consumer Data Stolen

Internet News Article |
Data broker LexisNexis on Wednesday said that identity thieves have gained access to profiles of 32,000 U.S. citizens, prompting calls for better consumer protections after a rash of similar break-ins.

The U.S. Secret Service said it is investigating the incident, while a company spokeswoman said the FBI has also launched an investigation.

According to the report the theft occured from it recently acquired Seisint unit.

SXSW MP3 Torrent

Scripting News: 3/8/2005
Wired News: “For many years SXSW has provided on its website a library of free MP3s of bands participating in the conference. This year, the festival is making it even easier to listen by providing a huge BitTorrent file (2.6 GB) of more than 750 songs.” This is excellent for at least three reasons. 1. It’s great to get all this music. Not clear what terms it’s being offered under, though. Can it be used in podcasts? That’s pretty important. 2. It’s a non-infringing use of BitTorrent, thus helping assure BT’s future. 3. It’s something that a lot of people will download so the download rate should be very good. It’ll be interesting to see how high it goes.

There are a couple of things worth noting here. Dave’s analysis of why this is a Good Thing is spot on. P2P things like BitTorrent do have legit uses that often get lost in the screaming about piracy. I managed to download the file in less than 3 hours on Tuesday night over my Comcast cable connection. That’s right 2.4 gigabytes in less than 3 hours on a cable modem. That’s broadband and BitTorent for ya.

BTW, using BT to d/l 2.4 gig in < 3 hrs means that d/l DVD quality movies and TV shows is feasible, though I'd need to get that terabyte array online:)

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