SuSE 9.3 to Have Desktop Search

SuSE Linux gets desktop search – ZDNet UK News
"SuSE Linux Professional 9.3 will include Beagle, an open source desktop search tool that makes it easier for users to find various types of files, including documents, emails, IM conversations and code. Novell claims to be the first Linux provider to have packaged Beagle into its desktop application.

"For the first time anywhere SUSE Linux Pro includes Beagle, the innovative open source desktop search tool that can access everything on your desktop," Novell said in a statement."

SUSE 9.3 Pro is due out momentarily.

Halo_Radio: Web-enabled MP3 Streamer Project details for halo_radio
halo_radio is a package for running a streaming MP3 radio station. A usable Web interface, a backend Icecast source daemon, a utility script for populating a MySQL database with your songs, and other clients are included. The Web interface features informational functions, user management features, and search and request functionality. The source daemon can encode multiple bitrates and features an automatic playlist feature that will randomly select songs based on historical user data.

I need something like this to adopt a webcasting module for ClassCaster.

DOJ Goes With WordPerfect 12

BetaNews | DOJ Drops Microsoft Office for Corel
Corel has won a 50,000 seat contract with the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to license its WordPerfect Office 12 suite. Corel is crediting the “flexible” terms of its enterprise licensing program and the strength of its feature set as the primary reasons for overcoming objections and closing the sale.

Man, now what are law schools gonna do? If DOJ is uccessful in rolling this out it would change the landscape of documents in the legal world. It means federal courts would continue to use Wordperfect and certainly influence the decisions that are made in law firms.

Bring an Aterisk PBX Home!

Kerry Garrison – Building your own PBX
What would it mean to you to have your own full-featured PBX system at your home or small office? What would it mean to you if you could build an entire PBX system (minus the phones) on hardware you probably have laying around, AND that it can probably also save you money on your phone bill? Sounds too hard to believe doesn’t it, but using old hardware and some open source software, you really can build a commercial quality phone system that would normally cost thousands of dollars.

Very rah-rah and very true, but this article skirts some of the serious config and setup issues that go with building an Asterisk PBX. Using Asterisk in your house requires a bit more to it than the article states.

Phishers Using DNS Wildcards to Fake URLs

Netcraft: Phishers Use Wildcard DNS to Build Convincing Bait URLs
The phishers use a wildcard DNS setting at a third-party redirection service ( to construct the URLS. The wildcard allows the display of URLs beginning with “,” which is followed by a portion of the URL which is encoded to obscure the actual destination domain.

The redirector at forwards to a Barclays spoof site hosted at in Moscow. The spoof loads a page from the actual Barclays site, and then launches a data collection form in a pop-up window from the Russian server.

This is bad and I’m sure we’ll see more of this in the weeks to come. The downside here is that phishers may drive legitimate business from the web.

Google Desktop Search Exits Beta

InfoWorld: Google updates desktop search tool: March 07, 2005: By : APPLICATIONS : DATA_MANAGEMENT
Google is set to launch on Monday an updated version of its desktop search tool whose enhancements include the ability to search the full text of Adobe Systems PDF files and the metadata of multimedia files, a Google executive said…

Other improvements in the Google desktop tool, which is free, are support for the Mozilla Foundation’s Firefox browser and Thunderbird e-mail application and for America Online’s Netscape browser and e-mail application. Previously, the product supported only Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser and Outlook and Outlook Express e-mail applications.

The addition of Mozilla and Netscape mail and web cache are great. It also picks up metadata from images, music and video and the content of PDFs. You can grab your copy here. Project details for PurpleView Project details for PurpleView
PurpleView is a paper review system that was designed to help distributed project development. It serves as a collection of materials relevant to a field of interest, and its review capability allows users to distinguish good and relevant items from bad and irrelevant items. Submission of papers in different Categories and Platforms aids their systematization. The sorting and searching features facilitate powerful and expedient data examination. It incorporates discussion forums for each item, notifications and message boards, and features security logins and automated database backups that assure the system’s accountability and availability.

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