Library Stuff
“We’ve seen professors have students participate in classroom blogs or have them start their own as part of a semester long project. Feedback from the students is important. Take a look this paper titled, Blogging In An Online Course: A Report on Student Satisfaction Among First-time Bloggers [PDF], which does exactly that:“ Rolling with Ruby on Rails Rolling with Ruby on Rails
“Maybe you’ve heard about Ruby on Rails, the super productive new way to develop web applications, and you’d like to give it a try, but you don’t know anything about Ruby or Rails. This article steps through the development of a web application using Rails. It won’t teach you how to program in Ruby, but if you already know another object-oriented programming language, you should have no problem following along (and at the end you can find links on learning Ruby).“
Thanks to TRB, a new Ruby fan, for pointing this out. Project details for Trac Project details for Trac
“Trac is a minimalistic but highly useful issue tracker and software project environment based around an integrated Wiki engine. Features include an interface to Subversion (source revision control), a bug/issue tracking database, and convenient report facilities.“
A small check
I know this may be bad form, but I need to see if pinging is workiong properly
What’s Google up to?
Google is up to something. In recent months they’ve added Mozilla developers and a MSFT NT engineer to the payroll. Rumors swirl about some calendar app. Well, imagine this. A Linux distro that turns your PC into a node on a Google network, replete with a desktop that runs Windows apps (who better to straighten out Wine than someone who helped design NT) , a Google browser, Google searching capabilty of all of your data, and as a bonus, the ability to Google your fiends PCs. During down time, your screensaver runs some distributed processes from the Google net.
Just a thought.
Tiotha – Windows Shell Replacement For a Networked Environment
Tiotha – Home
“Tiotha is a replacement shell for Windows that seeks to simplify limiting available applications by user roll and machine context in an Active Directory environment. Combining a suitable Tiotha configuration with appropriate Group Policies results in a robust, centrally managed, desktop security solution.”
Open-Xchange Get Bug Fixes Project details for OPEN-XCHANGE
“Several bugfixes were made, making it possible for this release to be used with the Outlook connector (OXlook), which is also provided in the download section. Better support for Eclipse were implemented along with easier installation and improved performance for heavy concurrent use.“
Flash Podcast Browser…
Scripting News: 3/3/2005
“Kosso gave me a sneak peek at something very very cool he’s working on. It’s a Flash-based podcast browser. It’s so funny, I was laughing out loud while playing with it. Wowowo!“
Do check this out, it is very cool.
Netscape Browser 8.0 Beta Released
BetaNews | Netscape Browser 8.0 Beta Goes Live
“America Online’s Netscape team has opened its doors to the public, releasing the first beta of the revived Netscape Web browser. Based upon Firefox, Netscape version 8 focuses on security and user privacy, and supports rendering with both Mozilla’s Gecko and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser engines.“
Neat feature: toggle back and forth between Firefox and IE rendering. It really works like 2 browsers in one:)