Troubleshooting Windows XP, Tweaks and Fixes for Windows XP
I always forget about this site until something odd happens and then I ‘discover’ it again:)
The 6th incarnation of Elmer's blog
Troubleshooting Windows XP, Tweaks and Fixes for Windows XP
I always forget about this site until something odd happens and then I ‘discover’ it again:)
Click here for the ClassCaster audio.
Wired News: Copyrights Keep TV Shows off DVD
Article talks about the difficulties in clearing rights to music on old TV shows so they can be released on DVD and VHS. Getting copyright clearance to include music into other works like TV and movies is very expensive and often limited. Licensing issues like this have kept a lot of movies and TV shows off of DVD.
Australian PC World::Knoppix in your pocket: this month, Alastair Cousins installs Knoppix onto a USB key drive, making it even more portable. “USB keys have become a really cheap method of storage, and have reached sizes up to 2GB. In this month’s column, I’ll show you how to install Knoppix–a distribution of Linux that runs entirely from CD–on a USB Key drive, making it even more portable.”
Available through Westlaw, password required.
NewsForge | Open source XML editors examined
“The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) provides a flexible and efficient way to store, transmit, and express data. Many applications have adopted it as their sole data format, and the availability of comprehensive XML development libraries makes it easy to add support for XML to new and existing applications. The open source community has produced an impressive lineup of XML editing utilities. In this article we’ll take a look at some of the most useful.“
Good, short reviews of OS editors with XML capabilities. Most live in the Linux world, but some have Win32 versions.
InfoWorld: Yahoo opens up search platform to external developers: March 01, 2005: By : APPLICATIONS : DATA_MANAGEMENT
“With the launch on Tuesday of the Yahoo Developer Network, Yahoo is providing access to application programming interfaces (APIs) for a variety of its search services, including Web, image, video, news, and local search.Meanwhile, Yahoo is also broadening access to the Overture APIs, which have been available to high-volume advertisers for several years. Now, other types of Overture users, such as search-engine marketers and smaller advertisers, will be allowed access to the APIs.“
You can register as a developer here.
Click here for the ClassCaster audio.
Elmer talking for length, goes for 8:42. Recorded via SIP softphone.
BetaNews | Study: Searchers Use Multiple Engines
“58 percent of Google users use a second search engine, the lowest of the top three search engines, while 70 percent of MSN users and 71 percent of Yahoo users turn to another of the top three.“
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
“…you can do something about the part where they mess with your website, adding links you didn’t create.Namely, you can download this script from Threadwatch, install said script on your server, and link to it from the
of your web pages.“
Much has been said elsewhere about the antics of the new Google toolbar, but at least you can fight back.
Click here for the ClassCaster audio.