John is at Rutgers::Newark today and he’s going to do a quick demo of what we have for ClassCaster. Should work just fine:)
Consuming MapPoint Web Service in PHP
MapPoint Developer Center: MapPoint Web Service Technical Articles: Consuming MapPoint Web Service in PHP
“Learn how to consume MapPoint Web Service by using PHP and the NuSoap toolkit. This article is accompanied by sample code that illustrates how to implement a simple proximity-locator application.“
The sample code looks pretty straight forward. Of course MapPoint costs money to use…
Online IP Courses
“WIPO is offering free online courses starting next week in what lawyers like to call “intellectual property“
CALI has thought of doing this sort of thing, but as a serious of lessons, not so much as a complete course.
Virtual Hosting for Apache 2.x Project details for mod_vhs
“mod_vhs is an Apache 2.0 Web server module allowing mass virtual hosting without the need for file-based configuration. The virtual host paths are translated from any database supported by libhome at request time from MySQL, LDAP, PAM, or a system password file.“
This may be of use for Harolds little project:)
A new ClassCaster post
Click here for the ClassCaster audio.
Podcasting Attracts Startups
The New York Times > Technology > For a Start-Up, Visions of Profit in Podcasting
“The primarily amateur Internet audio medium known as podcasting will take a small, hopeful step on Friday toward becoming the commercial Web’s next big thing.That step is planned by Odeo, a five-person start-up that is based in a walk-up apartment in this city’s Mission District and was co-founded by a Google alumnus. The company plans to introduce a Web-based system that is aimed at making a business of podcasting – the process of creating, finding, organizing and listening to digital audio files that range from living-room ramblings to BBC newscasts.“
The guys behind Odeo are Evan Williams and Noah Glass, responsible for Blogger and AudioBlogger respectively. Seems like they may be up to something that looks to tie the various pieces of podcasting together, at least that’s what Dave Winer thinks. It is intersting to see all of this energy in this space even as I managed to push out ClassCaster.
Oh, but wait, I haven’t exactly explained ClassCaster yet. Well here’s the pitch: grab a phone, dial a number, record a lecture or an analysis of something for your class, hangup, go to your blog and listen to it. All done with Asterisk, VoicePulse DID, MetaWeblog API, and 67 lines of PERL. It is nice and it works. No it needs a pretty dress:) We’ll tie it to our database and offer it up to CALI members and release the idea into the wild…
Federal Judge Bios Online
BoleyBlogs! – Paul L. Boley Law Library
“The Federal Judicial Center’s already solid Federal Judges Biographical Database continues to expand and improve.The databases provides updated “information about all judges who have served on the U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Courts of Appeals, the Supreme Court and other life-tenured courts since 1789.“
IBM, Zend Team-up on PHP Development
InfoWorld: IBM, Zend lift PHP in development deal: February 25, 2005: By Ed Scannell : APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT : APPLICATIONS : NETWORKING : WEB_SERVICES
“Hoping to spur its open source development strategies, IBM (Profile, Products, Articles) has announced a deal with Zend Technologies (Profile, Products, Articles) to create what it believes is the first integrated programming solution using the Web-based PHP language. IBM also committed to delivering at least 30 existing software projects to open source developers.The agreement with Zend calls for the integration of two open source technologies, namely IBM’s Cloudscape database and Zend’s PHP development environment. The combined technologies will create Zend Core for IBM, which will serve as an “out-of-the-box” PHP development and production environment that allows corporate users to develop, deploy, and manage open source applications.“
Copernic Desktop Search Reviewed
Copernic Desktop Search 1.5 (beta) review by PC Magazine
“A powerful and flexible desktop search tool. CDS 1.5’s search-as-you-type gets fast results, with search refinement available for content-specific data fields. It’s an excellent choice and the very best choice for those using Windows 98 or Me, or e-mailing with Thunderbird or Eudora. We wish it indexed files contained in ZIP archives, though.“
Firefox Goes to 1.0.1 With Security Update
Firefox Gets Major Security Makeover
“The Mozilla Foundation last Thursday rolled out a major security update to fix several known cross-site scripting and domain-spoofing vulnerabilities in the upstart Firefox browser.The nonprofit foundation said the new Firefox 1.0.1 was rushed out to provide a temporary fix for the IDN (International Domain Name) bug that was first flagged earlier this month.“