Top 4 open source alternatives to Google Analytics |

These four versatile web analytics tools provide valuable insights on your customers and site visitors while keeping you in control.

Top 4 open source alternatives to Google Analytics |

We use Matomo (formerly Piwik) on CALI websites. We decided to host our own analytics for a few reasons including performance, data control, and to better choose the options we use.

MariaDB ColumnStore Adds Simultaneous Analytics, Transactional Processing – The New Stack

InnoDB or the other default MySQL storage engine MyISAM provide reasonable performance on analytical query workloads up to 100,000 rows or tables under a million rows. Performance is harder to tune and maintain beyond that, Thompson wrote in a blog post.
ColumnStore is suitable for reporting or analysis on much larger data sets. Mobile applications of customer Pinger, for example, process millions of text messages and phone calls with ColumnStore, in addition to more than 1.5 billion rows of logs per day.

Source: MariaDB ColumnStore Adds Simultaneous Analytics, Transactional Processing – The New Stack

Looks interesting. We’ve had performance issues with our large db tables for years that we’ve managed to work around, but it’s likely time to take a look at a redesign around a newer technology.