LIME is an extremely customizable web based editor that guides the user through the markup of non structured documents into well formed (optionally valid) structured XML document compliant to the language plugin chosen by the user. The LIME editor is an open source software and relies on many open source technologies. LIME is currently under development by the CIRSFID and the University of Bologna. Read the documentation page for more information about LIME and the team page for more information about the LIME team.
via About LIME | LIME.
The editor is designed to support conversion of non-structured legal documents into Akoma Ntoso XML. The editor’s modular structure allows you to add other plugins so that it can support a range of XML schemas including various national versions of Akoma Ntoso and more general markup such as TEI. You can find the code on Github if you want to take it for a local spin.
I’m interested in taking a look at this to see if it can work with US court opinions. Perhaps it will give me an editor that I can use to convert opinions into that court opinion DTD I put together so many years ago.