- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/JLJmj38RgX Jason Brewster: project: FairDocument: legal document automation. @CodeXStanford @FairDocuments 13:38:03, 2014-02-16
- RT @sglassmeyer: New Blog Post: Changing the Law School Curriculum http://t.co/rPEiQztuyN 17:43:35, 2014-02-16
My Twitter Digest for 02/15/2014
- RT @jeffrey_taylor: UW Law Library's List of Android Applications for Lawyers, Law Faculty and Law Students http://t.co/pT2C8ZmrQb 08:02:56, 2014-02-15
- RT Take a breath. @jasonsantamaria on @thepastrybox. https://t.co/bUQbIVEpZD 08:08:53, 2014-02-15
- RT @timoreilly: The myth of the lone genius with the silver bullet http://t.co/P5Xi3hnLQP Mixed metaphors explain how @openIDEO tackles har… 13:53:06, 2014-02-15
- RT @davewiner: Scripting News: Twitter is not good for support. http://t.co/6HZCA7kilx 15:01:07, 2014-02-15
- Suffolk Law Students are Creating Apps to Promote Access to Justice http://t.co/erDAcNRrbh [Highlighting @caliorg #A2JAuthor] 18:58:26, 2014-02-15
- RT @richards1000: .@amyywan profiles @PlainSite RT @rgranat: The Legal Pioneer: Plainsite: Putting the Law in Plain Sight http://t.co/t8ybb… 20:12:37, 2014-02-15
My Twitter Digest for 02/14/2014
- RT @mojavelinux: What you see here was rendered using only #Asciidoctor.js, diagram & all, from this source: https://t.co/yl6zTTxBqx http:/… 08:16:24, 2014-02-14
- Funny, I don't remember giving #Dropbox permission to intercept my print screen requests in Windows. I have fine app for that, thank you. 10:15:02, 2014-02-14
- RT @awdg: A nice tutorial on setting up Jekyll, Compass, and Github Pages: http://t.co/EeKsKK08bg 11:18:27, 2014-02-14
- RT @stephanpastis: And let's stop the perky people. http://t.co/tvdOVXpmET 11:18:45, 2014-02-14
- Expertiza is a web app where students submit & peer-review learning objects (articles, code, etc). https://t.co/TJeCGu3gdR [Intriguing] 11:44:07, 2014-02-14
- UpCounsel Launches Outside General Counsel Program For Companies Needing Long-Term Legal Help http://t.co/Xle6oUF7rw via @techcrunch 13:28:06, 2014-02-14
- RT @creativecommons: Get ready: Open Education Week is coming! http://t.co/PKQk3GwqPQ #oer @openeducationwk 13:52:40, 2014-02-14
- RT @waldojaquith: ! RT @github: Rendered Prose Diffs https://t.co/5xNS2GFu7q 13:55:00, 2014-02-14
- RT @DanAmira: Amazing Map Labels Each State With the Name of What State It Is http://t.co/PtPqyoGiuS 14:50:05, 2014-02-14
- RT @textfiles: The Internet Archive announces The Business Case, a collection of runnable business software. http://t.co/2HpXhqgZMd 14:52:52, 2014-02-14
- RT @trbruce: Lou Reed killed by the Illuminati at the behest of Lady Gaga. Who knew?
http://t.co/3YAl6uyavN 15:03:41, 2014-02-14 - It's a nifty feature @sglassmeyer but it doesn't make GitHub any easier to use for non-technical folks. in reply to sglassmeyer 23:01:49, 2014-02-14
- GitHub's always supported prose, or even poetry @sglassmeyer this is an acknowledgment of the large amount of tech writing going on there. in reply to sglassmeyer 23:26:59, 2014-02-14
- So @adelevie here's an example from some work @sglassmeyer and I did last fall https://t.co/14hQ4JndFJ It's in asciidoc, diffs render well. in reply to adelevie 23:44:18, 2014-02-14
My Twitter Digest for 02/13/2014
- RT @thepastrybox: Freshly baked. Adults Are The Future by @arielwaldman on @thepastrybox. https://t.co/3vqttlWjtl 09:06:32, 2014-02-13
- "Hemingway makes your writing bold and clear. " | Hemingway http://t.co/N5r8HVrerl 09:21:49, 2014-02-13
- Avoid Demotivation When Starting a New Venture with the 1,000 Day Rule http://t.co/87m6KGRNff 10:26:52, 2014-02-13
- RT @caliorg: Next week! Free 20 minute webinars on getting started with CALI…. http://t.co/ieCLoam8xY 13:17:13, 2014-02-13
- And the sad part @sglassmeyer is that it looks like of the interesting tech behind @GetEditorially will disappear with the site. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:19:09, 2014-02-13
- Oklahoma Makes It Official (But What Does That Signify?) « Citing Legally http://t.co/oHZShzyp1g 13:25:57, 2014-02-13
- How To Have Paragraph Commenting Just Like Medium – WPMU DEV http://t.co/wn52ymcs1Q [Coming soon to Classcaster and CALI Law Books] 13:35:35, 2014-02-13
- RT @caliorg: Citation problems? Check out these free videos from Cornell Professor Peter Martin explaining the basics http://t.co/dVYQVjsH… 15:03:58, 2014-02-13
- RT @caliorg: Introduction to Basic Legal Citation | CALI eLangdell http://t.co/o5igUCTOyr 15:48:09, 2014-02-13
- RT @sglassmeyer: Three Hundred Billion is Just a Number: What is the Real Market Size of Legal Tech? http://t.co/hxPRtYT3LI via @BlueHillBo… 16:48:49, 2014-02-13
- RT @audreywatters: University of the People (free, online nonprofit) receives accreditation http://t.co/0b11z3h9rf 21:34:11, 2014-02-13
- RT @ronmartinez: Pitch: Jurassic Park for Shakespearean villains. “@openculture: Scientists Hope to Sequence Genome of Richard III. http://… 21:36:13, 2014-02-13
- Interesting. Paragraph level commenting on a @caliorg #eLangdell ebook. Ah, the possibilities. http://t.co/DSsyRresKq 22:09:56, 2014-02-13
My Twitter Digest for 02/12/2014
- RT @thepastrybox: Good Intentions: How Not To Run a Business, by @halvorson on @thepastrybox. https://t.co/NZEjrdsd7j 09:13:53, 2014-02-12
- RT @davewiner: NYT River: All the links that are fit to tweet. 🙂 http://t.co/4lELwkWZf8 12:39:40, 2014-02-12
- RT @WIRED: Shoshanna from "Girls" gets shopped into Sochi games, and hilarity ensues http://t.co/BgRRcFP5qx http://t.co/cGmxUdyzvr 18:16:09, 2014-02-12
- RT @caliorg: Virginia Legal Research: Primary Sources | CALI – Your partner in legal education and technology. http://t.co/gFS8EUJBbI 18:23:56, 2014-02-12
My Twitter Digest for 02/11/2014
- RT @jeffrey_brandt: Reading stories about #reinventlaw and images of Kool-Aid and betamax running through my head. 09:50:28, 2014-02-11
- RT @Dries: Rackspace CEO resigns http://t.co/2vgEYjlNxz 09:58:48, 2014-02-11
- RT @waldojaquith: Note that @USODI has a new Twitter handle—@opendata. It better reflects our mission, which to promote open data, rather t… 12:31:40, 2014-02-11
- RT @ProfJonathan: Lippman: Trained non-lawyers offering assistance to unrepresented in Housing Court cases in Brooklyn, consumer debt cases… 12:38:34, 2014-02-11
- . @johnpmayer List is interesting, but some of the companies aren't in legal sector, rather providers of services lawyers might use. in reply to johnpmayer 13:11:48, 2014-02-11
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: http://t.co/cqXrOZQQIf 17:08:03, 2014-02-11
- NY Chief Judge Lippman Announces Pro Bono Scholars Program For Final Semester of Law School | BPLE Blog http://t.co/qoUX7aZktA 17:23:07, 2014-02-11
- While all the talk was going on at Cooper Union last week it seems the NYS judiciary really did #reinventlaw. http://t.co/Zg8Aac8uVw 17:54:52, 2014-02-11
- RT @judsonmitchell: Hackathon Starter: fabulous way to get an app up and running quickly. https://t.co/rGIayjteSg awesome! HT @sglassmeyer 21:07:41, 2014-02-11
My Twitter Digest for 02/10/2014
- RT @JasonHirschhorn: Highway To Hell – Bruce Springsteen – Perth Arena 8-2-14: http://t.co/b7wdd8sHJh via hat tip to @Lefsetz. 08:18:17, 2014-02-10
- Evidence Based Experiential Learning? http://t.co/oJr3rUiBj7 via @CELTLawBlog 11:28:59, 2014-02-10
- RT @Suffolk_Law: Access-to-Justice Hackathon: Looking for ideas for event with @ABAJournal http://t.co/DLZC7swkqs 15:58:28, 2014-02-10
- RT @caliorg: CALI at Reinvent Law NYC http://t.co/hJsRhrEeUN #Reinventlaw 16:07:44, 2014-02-10
- From my blog: Tauberer On Creating A Good API | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/t3hin1KR2m 17:45:21, 2014-02-10
- RT @sglassmeyer: If you found #reinventlaw too "light", this sounds like a meatier discussion of the issues. http://t.co/ximac0E35A 3/6 at … 17:49:32, 2014-02-10
My Twitter Digest for 02/09/2014
- RT @WIRED: Twitter will share its massive trove of data with the academic world — for free http://t.co/Tch5Ct40cm 06:56:34, 2014-02-09
- Standards Review Committee Says "Their Work is Done" on Skills Requirement and Tenure and Securit… http://t.co/xF1KYTjnNa via @CELTLawBlog 20:47:18, 2014-02-09
My Twitter Digest for 02/08/2014
- RT @wpmayor: Is the WordPress GPL Being Abused? http://t.co/b97lnYWKS4
#wordpress 06:41:58, 2014-02-08 - RT @richards1000: http://t.co/1hXJbC7uO4 @computational : 'Over 800 Folks in Attendance at Cooper Union for #reinventlaw NYC 2014; Thanks S… 18:29:53, 2014-02-08
- RT @johnpmayer: @caminick: http://t.co/GheeztYmfw Great graphic of @johnpmayer of @caliorg .. especially appreciate she gave me more hair! 18:57:16, 2014-02-08
My Twitter Digest for 02/07/2014
- At the #ReinventLaw show, hanging with the @LIICornell crew, waiting for the festivities to begin. 08:58:27, 2014-02-07
- RT @sglassmeyer: Sitting with @LIICornell crew who invented legal tech when most of #ReinventLaw speakers/attendees were in short pants. 09:25:58, 2014-02-07
- Klient Kittens? Why did everyone look at @sglassmeyer? #ReinventLaw 10:05:13, 2014-02-07
- RT @trbruce: Law schools disconnected? No kidding. #reinventlaw 10:05:51, 2014-02-07
- RT @aallnet: AALL Again Urges Reform to Incorporation by Reference System | AALL's Washington Blawg http://t.co/oYoRLQXRfx 13:57:58, 2014-02-07
- RT @waldojaquith: My “Instant API” program now supports Memcached. It turns any big ol’ JSON into a RESTful API, instantly. https://t.co/Oc… 22:06:32, 2014-02-07