- Snowy night in NYC, from the 26th floor. http://t.co/9YlUT8C130 00:31:59, 2014-01-03
- Not snowing in the @caliorg booth as #AALS2014 gets under way. http://t.co/xTBwWm9rvl 11:09:08, 2014-01-03
- RT @atlblog: The Grinch Who Stole The Public Domain http://t.co/55XADhqwng 13:23:40, 2014-01-03
- RT @jjeff: I find this video mesmerizing: BOOTSY'S BASIC FUNK FORMULA http://t.co/xyec1LDG0p 20:50:17, 2014-01-03
- RT @BenBalter: Why no one uses government data: experiences optimized for the data publisher, not the data consumer. http://t.co/FTOhKPF1oB 21:05:32, 2014-01-03
My Twitter Digest for 01/02/2014
- At the gate in ATL, headed to NYC for the big #AALS14 shindig. And the snow. 08:04:01, 2014-01-02
- RT @davewiner: A simple Git deployment strategy for static sites. http://t.co/hh2dZEd8sM 19:36:28, 2014-01-02
- RT @caminick: The History of PACER from AOC http://t.co/we34cWHznJ 19:41:00, 2014-01-02
- RT @MattHaze: I'm really excited for Capaldi, but damn this is funny. #DoctorWho cc: @DoctorLongscarf http://t.co/6tqstFQWgF 19:43:18, 2014-01-02
My Twitter Digest for 01/01/2014
- RT @hrheingold: It's Public Domain Day! V.2 of Peeragogy Handbook, PD resource for peer learning, available for free download http://t.co/0… 13:55:33, 2014-01-01
- @sglassmeyer we'll be existing regular weather reports tomorrow as the snow begins to fly. in reply to sglassmeyer 21:54:40, 2014-01-01
My Twitter Digest for 12/30/2013
- RT @sglassmeyer: New blog post: Here Be Dragons http://t.co/NyUD5naild Happy 2014, Internet. 10:59:30, 2013-12-30
- RT @eaton: Good morning, Internet. You need this GIF of a basset hound running in slow motion. http://t.co/kyshrfAk48 11:27:14, 2013-12-30
- 2 new websites offer platform for crowdsourced legal research http://t.co/jLK2Lxjmn2 11:44:39, 2013-12-30
My Twitter Digest for 12/29/2013
- RT @davewiner: Isaac Asimov, in 1964: Visit to the World's Fair of 2014. http://t.co/uive36Zdt1 08:38:58, 2013-12-29
- RT @trbruce: Had a card; shoulda stayed in the business: http://t.co/7euQxqjOqy 09:11:27, 2013-12-29
- RT @jgmilles: Tim Wu: A Proposal for Review Articles in the Legal Academy #fb http://t.co/jSAg7woR6h 19:05:37, 2013-12-29
My Twitter Digest for 12/28/2013
- RT @waldojaquith: Niche, hobby magazines are thriving, even as other print publications are dying. http://t.co/EAb7vSOS5z 14:40:57, 2013-12-28
- The system upgrades are finished and all @caliorg websites including the all important http://t.co/RZgT3ZoNMm are up and running. 14:43:26, 2013-12-28
My Twitter Digest for 12/27/2013
- RT @caliorg: FYI: The CALI website, eLangdell, Time Trial and related websites will be offline TONIGHT at 11pm EST through Saturday for ann… 13:51:00, 2013-12-27
- @ProfJonathan @caliorg moving main database systems to newer, bigger server. Most work done in the early hours of tomorrow morning. in reply to ProfJonathan 14:03:37, 2013-12-27
- RT @caliorg: Another reminder…The CALI website will be offline starting at 11pm EST tonight through tomorrow afternoon for annual updatin… 19:59:31, 2013-12-27
My Twitter Digest for 12/26/2013
- RT @caliorg: CALI websites – including eLangdell, http://t.co/vO8zgf4kOZ and TimeTrial – will be offline for maintenance starting 11pm 12/2… 11:39:06, 2013-12-26
- RT @jgmilles: Holy crap! I've been cited in the Wall Street Journal blog! http://t.co/7QCYuIQfww #fb 21:50:26, 2013-12-26
My Twitter Digest for 12/25/2013
- RT @thepastrybox: Freshly baked. @kissane on @thepastrybox. http://t.co/IbSYlnoQXC 15:39:47, 2013-12-25
- "I want more play and less game." @kissane on @thepastrybox. http://t.co/4bvxdhsVwT 15:40:28, 2013-12-25
- RT @IJasonAlexander: My friends, a very merry Festivus to you all. May your pole stand straight, your feat be strong and your grievances fe… 15:47:04, 2013-12-25
- RT @carlmalamud: Georgia codes on my mind. http://t.co/X4OnwyKAkB 21:51:45, 2013-12-25
My Twitter Digest for 12/24/2013
- RT @trbruce: Read it and weep. I did. http://t.co/ARhipYuMiV 18:10:59, 2013-12-24
- The law of where I’m standing, right now. » b-screeds http://t.co/6BPRFDdX0C 19:52:50, 2013-12-24