- RT @thepastrybox: 2014 is ready to launch. Meet our new bakers: https://t.co/RAOP9xfn8O. Happy New Year! 07:57:43, 2013-12-23
My Twitter Digest for 12/22/2013
- RT @KyleKCourtney: RT @TheCSUSA Kyle Courtney Named Harvard University's First-Ever #Copyright Advisor – Copyright Society of The USA http:… 23:45:46, 2013-12-22
My Twitter Digest for 12/20/2013
- RT @KyleKCourtney: Did you have an #ElsevierTakedown? Spread the word! Then we can judo this event into a positive lesson for #oa #copyrigh… 07:46:32, 2013-12-20
- RT @stevewerby: RT @ServiceSphere Why IT struggles. http://t.co/tPcohrRikk <= Bookmarking for internal use. Thanks for sharing! 07:47:31, 2013-12-20
- Northwestern Law dean to head Association of American Law Schools http://t.co/0EGgUuT4b5 via @sharethis 09:43:15, 2013-12-20
- Pace Law Library receives grant from the Haub Foundation : http://t.co/vMzkFebLeP 13:29:28, 2013-12-20
- @johnpmayer Not yet in open source Pressbooks plugin. in reply to johnpmayer 13:45:43, 2013-12-20
- Merry Christmas, y'all! Lil BUB's Magical Yule LOG Video: http://t.co/ftGRWKJLBE via @youtube [yes, it's cute & 1 hr long. You're welcome.] 15:09:33, 2013-12-20
- RT @EthanZ: White guy, activist in NYC can't get arrested, even when he tries… until he does, with unexpected consequences: http://t.co/J… 15:58:20, 2013-12-20
My Twitter Digest for 12/19/2013
- RT @textfiles: The Distrust Sphinchter http://t.co/ZlMFA0cA8k 06:54:42, 2013-12-19
- @rrichard09 Thanks for the tip, I signed up for the call. @OKFN @okfnedu in reply to rrichard09 08:27:26, 2013-12-19
- American Bar Association approves experimental hybrid J.D. program | Inside Higher Ed http://t.co/KZc2KPmROM 10:00:07, 2013-12-19
- RT @trbruce: JOAL now has RSS feeds, and OAI-PMH at http://t.co/N9DgUPphvX . Knowing how to use the software turns out to be a help ;). 11:55:18, 2013-12-19
- RT @trbruce: Countless grants + articles could come from 1 q: 190K people come to the LII site to get law each day. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY … 12:04:52, 2013-12-19
- RT @ddraper: Nearpod for Elementary Classrooms http://t.co/AZ99GDJIKV #csdedtech 12:07:55, 2013-12-19
- Google announces latest round of government takedowns http://t.co/fNg2EydPUM via @BetaNews 14:35:06, 2013-12-19
- Harvard, Cornell, Stanford Libraries Project Receives Grant | Harvard Library Portal http://t.co/ZR4HMgZ9zr 17:27:20, 2013-12-19
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/OUkjS9Zi4b new URL for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' list of websites cited in its opinions 17:58:21, 2013-12-19
- RT @kevinokeefe: Elsevier’s Research (LexisNexis parent) Takedown Notices Fan Out To Startups, Harvard, Ind. Academics ~ @TechCrunch http:/… 19:16:20, 2013-12-19
- RT @binarybits: Elsevier is sending takedowns to Harvard and UC-Irvine demanding removal of their scholars' own research. http://t.co/FWyLX… 19:16:35, 2013-12-19
- RT @KyleKCourtney: Ask me about my week? Yikes! MT @TechCrunch: Elsevier's Takedown Notices to Harvard, etc. http://t.co/7MHF8D7cOo #copyri… 19:16:49, 2013-12-19
My Twitter Digest for 12/18/2013
- It would be really nice and trend setting if JOAL published full text articles on the site instead of just PDF. @KyleKCourtney @LIICornell in reply to KyleKCourtney 09:52:26, 2013-12-18
- @trbruce Nice debut. How about posting the actual articles on the web not just PDF? @sglassmeyer in reply to trbruce 10:01:29, 2013-12-18
- RT @LiHuMa: Proud of my old workplace! MT @jkbeitz: William Mitchell approved for hybrid JD http://t.co/bn04r17ngL #legaled #distanceed 10:50:50, 2013-12-18
- William Mitchell to offer first ABA-accredited ‘hybrid’ on-campus/online J.D. program | William Mitchell News http://t.co/b7qrDGBQeE 10:58:17, 2013-12-18
- RT @KevinSavetz: Guy used @internetarchive & http://t.co/njLUUUw8R9 to figure out what magazine David reads in WarGames. http://t.co/KPIhHq… 13:26:39, 2013-12-18
- Is this site just plain broken? Can't actually pay for anything. Microsoft training and certification help: http://t.co/Mxg3Zf2oQR 20:48:47, 2013-12-18
- RT @opencontent: I'm taking a leap of faith and leaving my tenured position at BYU to work on OER adoption with @LumenLearning.
http://t.c… 22:42:09, 2013-12-18
My Twitter Digest for 12/17/2013
- RT @txtbks: OpenStax Releases 6th Free Textbook – @Campus_Tech http://t.co/mxFqDoiLmv @OpenStaxCollege @DrBSI 06:59:26, 2013-12-17
- RT @wpmayor: An Introduction to WP CLI http://t.co/FQ6RexOQr8
#wordpress 07:01:40, 2013-12-17 - RT @buddypress: BuddyPress 1.9 "Sammy" http://t.co/MMB8OzJXPF 07:04:11, 2013-12-17
- RT @sglassmeyer: LLRX has republished (with permission, tho everything on my site is CC licensed) my Give Open a Chance in Law piece http:/… 14:39:51, 2013-12-17
- First-Year Law School Enrollment Lowest Since 1977 – Law Blog – WSJ http://t.co/kI4jhVVbCQ via @WSJ 15:18:11, 2013-12-17
- RT @LSTechTalk: Happy Holidays! We’ll be back in January!: Happy holidays to all of our viewers! We had mentioned i… http://t.co/9M8WbqP… 22:37:35, 2013-12-17
My Twitter Digest for 12/16/2013
- One path to yes. "@margarethagan: Should Your Company Take Venture Capital money? A flowchart http://t.co/7vZjnLPac6 http://t.co/EA2eNZKONN" 08:20:00, 2013-12-16
- Anyone using OTRS for support ticketing and tracking? http://t.co/FvsxbTDw20 08:45:13, 2013-12-16
- RT @aceatkinsbooks: Very sad to hear Tom Laughlin has died. His Billy Jack kicked serious ass and was a great inspiration to me. http://t.… 09:52:49, 2013-12-16
- RT @jkbeitz: Developing an e-curriculum … reflections on the future of legal education … http://t.co/rN9axmUed0 #lstechtalk 11:41:51, 2013-12-16
- RT @MarkusJ: welp. that's it. irony is dead. the Tea Party posted an image from Bioshock Infinite as a legitimate thing http://t.co/zJxIWS3… 11:49:39, 2013-12-16
- Facebook Launches “Donate” Button For Non-Profits That Also Collects Billing Info For Itself http://t.co/n6mSHPyGLO via @techcrunch 16:34:15, 2013-12-16
- RT @creativecommons: We're excited to welcome eight new members to CC's board. http://t.co/WtoQjnC0OX 17:29:28, 2013-12-16
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/kOEAjmGOz9 Interview with @adelevie : Attorneys, Learn To Code (Part II): Interview With A 'Legal Hacker'. HT… 18:01:50, 2013-12-16
- edX Drops Plans to Connect MOOC Students With Employers http://t.co/rAjxRHulIj via @chronicle [after pilot results in no hires.] 18:35:47, 2013-12-16
- Do.ne, or what to do when your favorite service disappears? http://t.co/IKrkT5IgPo 18:39:12, 2013-12-16
- RT @LawSchEdTech: Law School Ed Tech Blog Post: Do.ne, or what to do when your favorite service disappears? http://t.co/g94EmlPR6F 22:11:54, 2013-12-16
- RT @richards1000: so, today @sglassmeyer & @adelevie hit it outta the park http://t.co/t2j1LS1cer http://t.co/yhQVkLTX0e 22:12:13, 2013-12-16
My Twitter Digest for 12/15/2013
- RT @fgbjr: Quizzer for node.js is now sufficiently functional to be useful. Student feedback works, Instructor reports to come. http://t.co… 10:45:54, 2013-12-15
- Everyone needs to read this: "@sglassmeyer: New Blog Post: Give Open a Chance in Law http://t.co/rbnSDyBGpx" 18:30:23, 2013-12-15
My Twitter Digest for 12/14/2013
- RT @richards1000: https://t.co/yAW2xdXzbU OASIS Legal Citation Markup (LegalCiteM) Technical Committee charter submitted; first meeting 12 … 08:26:31, 2013-12-14
- RT @TracyViselli: See average income tax paid county by county in the US: http://t.co/8rlY2gzf3E http://t.co/ewpZhoXyLX 08:30:13, 2013-12-14
- RT @JonathanTurley: Federal Court Strikes Down Polygamy Law In Utah http://t.co/1nyCXYF5c1 08:47:18, 2013-12-14
- RT @parallaxinfo: Always confused by what people say Adam Smith said and what I read when I read Adam Smith: apparently I'm not alone – htt… 13:22:52, 2013-12-14
- RT @jamster83: Wow, 3D printers are really coming along. http://t.co/TkFrHCgGiS 14:03:39, 2013-12-14
My Twitter Digest for 12/13/2013
- RT @kevinokeefe: Thomson Reuters cuts hit Eagan campus – @nickewoltman http://t.co/MLi9deGspq must include West & FindLaw reductions 08:18:07, 2013-12-13
- RT @uscode: US Code: Volume 19 of 2012 Edition (Title 26 sections 441-3241) now available in print 08:18:21, 2013-12-13
- RT @lessig: "Corruption": McCain's definition or McConnell's: http://t.co/H6lq8mJdst 08:29:29, 2013-12-13
- RT @caliorg: Congrats to those of you who have survived #lawschool finals & good luck to those of you still in it. May the odds be ever in… 11:28:38, 2013-12-13
- RT @bhuddle: New Article: Using Drones in Your Library to Enhance Patron Services: http://t.co/losm1icrYO #library #technology #FutureIsHere 12:55:11, 2013-12-13
- RT @sglassmeyer: Sarah G.'s Crazy Rule #1: If you want to innovate something, you should probably have a basic idea of how it actually work… 12:59:13, 2013-12-13
- RT @lorcanD: Smile .. RT @paulwalk: Love the new #dpc usb stick: this is not an archive http://t.co/2DpBgfseWa (via @digitalfay) #w 15:52:00, 2013-12-13
- RT @isaackeyet: WordPress 3.8 is Here and Why It's a Big Deal http://t.co/zSzBiJbhNQ #WordPress #strategy 20:51:05, 2013-12-13
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/eiMDqrowO6 new from @unclawinfotech : Legal Technology Education: Signs of Hope for Tomorrow’s Lawyers, citi… 20:52:12, 2013-12-13