- Thinking about the island of misfit toys and legal ed tech this afternoon. 13:43:11, 2013-12-12
- RT @RollingStone: Watch Axl Rose and Tom Petty sing "Free Fallin'" in 1989: http://t.co/E8zDOp0cRo 21:57:36, 2013-12-12
My Twitter Digest for 12/11/2013
- RT @thepastrybox: Freshly baked. @jennibbaker on @thepastrybox. http://t.co/x83eq2ordI 07:50:42, 2013-12-11
- It worked on my laptop. #FiveWordTechHorrors 07:57:37, 2013-12-11
- RT @nellcoinc: TaxProf Blog: Law Libraries and the Law School Crisis | @scoopit via @SoCalTaxProf http://t.co/yxdMHXsu7m 14:05:53, 2013-12-11
- RT @LSTechTalk: Episode 39. Guest Ken Hirsh, Monday, December 16, 10 am CT: Come join us for next week’s episode of … http://t.co/2rYbHZC… 21:35:33, 2013-12-11
- RT @zephoria: I'm creating a research institute (@data_society). We're looking to assemble our inaugural class of fellows: http://t.co/FdKa… 21:50:48, 2013-12-11
My Twitter Digest for 12/10/2013
- RT @davewiner: Getting Started with Web Services Using Node and Express (for Cocoa developers). http://t.co/b2Puo9mItE 08:07:38, 2013-12-10
- RT @jogdc: Thomson Reuters Legal Names First Female President, Susan Taylor Martin http://t.co/l6j5vzGTvK 08:10:33, 2013-12-10
- So, @SamGoshorn and I are serving up @caliorg Lessons from a Raspberry Pi. Be sure to visit us at #AALS2014 to see what that is all about. 17:59:39, 2013-12-10
- RT @fgbjr: Still very much a work in progress, but screenshots for the working bits of Quizzer are now available: http://t.co/0EwSXXt7my 18:01:38, 2013-12-10
- RT @RWW: The long wait for new Chromecast apps comes to an end with new additions like Plex and VEVO http://t.co/NQbYPxhVj6 18:03:10, 2013-12-10
- @sglassmeyer @SamGoshorn @caliorg Well, that would work. in reply to sglassmeyer 18:04:44, 2013-12-10
- @sglassmeyer @caliorg @trbruce @SamGoshorn a CALI toaster oven is excellent because even law students eat sometimes. in reply to sglassmeyer 18:27:05, 2013-12-10
My Twitter Digest for 12/09/2013
- RT @uscode: US Code: Volume 18 of 2012 Edition (Title 26 sections 1-436) now available in print 08:34:30, 2013-12-09
- RT @sglassmeyer: Although most of the time I look like this as I get used to screen… http://t.co/vVvbKS8UrP 12:05:07, 2013-12-09
- RT @sglassmeyer: Even the most special of snowflakes gets pushed aside by the plow. 12:09:28, 2013-12-09
- RT @sglassmeyer: It's all fun and games until you're burned at the stake for wearing Google Glass in the country. #redstate 12:10:12, 2013-12-09
- RT @RWW: Meet the JavaScript framework that might save HTML5 from itself http://t.co/xoCZMIudDM 17:27:40, 2013-12-09
- RT @caliorg: New CALI Lesson: Drones: Unmanned Aircraft Systems http://t.co/KpaXCXQYzg #lawschool 17:32:33, 2013-12-09
- RT @OUDaily: Read how a publisher, a professor, a OU IT representative and an OU provost feel about online, open access textbooks. http://t… 18:45:20, 2013-12-09
- RT @BobLannon: how to release data license-free: http://t.co/FnoxkTQ8YU HT @konklone 18:47:14, 2013-12-09
My Twitter Digest for 12/08/2013
- RT @redasadki: About those U Penn MOOC results reported at MRI13 http://t.co/q3weGmuqXR 09:47:14, 2013-12-08
- RT @NiemanLabFuego: David Simon: 'There are now two Americas. My country is a horror show' http://t.co/o5rIs4Z5OT via @davewiner 17:47:32, 2013-12-08
- RT @lifehacker: Tweedle is a really solid, free Twitter client for Android: http://t.co/bTeKyaiH0C http://t.co/6y7QKbsr6t 19:25:17, 2013-12-08
My Twitter Digest for 12/07/2013
- Studying for law school finals? @TarltonLawLib recommends @caliorg Lessons as a good exam prep tool. http://t.co/wuBNnnzF5f 09:11:55, 2013-12-07
- RT @kevinokeefe: $129M law school at ASU’s ‘wildly successful’ Phoenix campus ~ @abajournal http://t.co/rYvdidpFH0 law schools on decline? 22:10:14, 2013-12-07
My Twitter Digest for 12/06/2013
- RT @richards1000: cc @annindk MT @Laviero: The #ERA new #elearning platform online! Four e-presentations on various aspects of EU law: http… 07:23:08, 2013-12-06
- RT @fgbjr: Watching colleagues struggle with a commercial writing instruction tool has prompted me to start building my own: https://t.co/D… 08:42:36, 2013-12-06
- RT @randypicker: And 1502 slides (and 74 megs) later, we will be done: http://t.co/spsVTjmiM2 (Full slide set for my Fall @UChicagoLaw #ant… 16:16:59, 2013-12-06
- RT @EmmaBGardner: Print versus digital in one paragraph. http://t.co/Z1AXcRRPJh 16:18:01, 2013-12-06
- RT @BenBalter: Nice. Diffing updates to the CFR -> RT @adelevie: Thanks @github! https://t.co/pvNCLWkJZZ 18:25:49, 2013-12-06
- RT @DukeU: Duke + @nounproject = new icons for the future of #highered, free to download: http://t.co/lDdAbqA7jJ http://t.co/8Q2f0wPNUj 21:55:41, 2013-12-06
My Twitter Digest for 12/04/2013
- At the gate in ATL on my way to the @caliorg mothership for a couple days of meetings. 08:02:23, 2013-12-04
- On the Orange line. Next stop the @caliorg home office. Just in time for lunch. 11:15:42, 2013-12-04
- RT @caliorg: That's so great to hear! Thanks! RT @SayHeyGinger: ….I am glad I did CALI lessons as part of studying. It helped with multip… 11:20:07, 2013-12-04
My Twitter Digest for 12/03/2013
- RT @davewiner: Bela Bartok explains why hackathons are for horses. http://t.co/qZ9fQaUd7N 07:40:02, 2013-12-03
- When will the internet learn? With only140 characters or 140 words or 1400 words or 140 seconds of video, there is always, always more to th 07:58:49, 2013-12-03
- RT @johnpmayer: :..a nationwide legal technology curriculum.." using @caliorg 's A2J Author http://t.co/a9W05WwhlI 08:36:00, 2013-12-03
- RT @anildash: If you believe gov't is too incompetent to trust with tech that affects people's lives, focus on nuclear weapons & drones, no… 11:00:12, 2013-12-03
- "@ETLinitiative: ETL Fellow Mike Madison: Legal Education: Vision and Values http://t.co/qfoF5T6fzQ" [worth reading and thinking about.] 11:23:39, 2013-12-03
- From my blog: 9th Circuit To Begin Live Video Streaming of En Banc Proceedings | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/v5cqo312p6 12:09:00, 2013-12-03
- RT @trbruce: Of lobsters, Google, canoes, Facebook, and the Semantic Web: http://t.co/7FWs7oa6gO . Highly recommended. 12:22:49, 2013-12-03
- RT @sglassmeyer: I think I got the booth for AALS all mapped out…just need to find a place for the volcano. As one does. 16:24:14, 2013-12-03
- RT @aallnet: AALL Election Results for 2014 http://t.co/bBkbRt9MFA 16:27:56, 2013-12-03
My Twitter Digest for 12/02/2013
- RT @uscode: US Code: Volume 17 of 2012 Edition (Title 23 to Title 25) now available in print 08:32:51, 2013-12-02
- "@BetaList: teech.io: A cloud backend for every educational app. #invites http://t.co/R45831n2k0" [Well, isn't this intriguing. Signed up.] 08:42:05, 2013-12-02
- RT @RRobertsTV: This is funny…#AmazonDrones RT @QuantumPirate: I missed an Amazon drone delivery. http://t.co/3ANemIq42p 11:45:41, 2013-12-02
- RT @LauraB7: For those of you who were in a Thanksgiving fog last week, registration for @ebookcraft is now open. http://t.co/3s8mHYLec2 #e… 12:38:13, 2013-12-02
- RT @github: Descriptive error messages for failed GitHub Pages builds https://t.co/3PzvQRFeql [this will be most helpful.] 13:52:46, 2013-12-02
- 606 hits from the Sony PlayStation. Certainly running Lessons while playing Assassin's Creed is one study technique. http://t.co/jwOlIWzptR 15:40:46, 2013-12-02
- RT @caliorg: Web team says CALI got about 600 hits from Playstations. Playing GTA in between lessons does not count towards your Crim Law … 21:24:42, 2013-12-02
- RT @adelevie: The legal text entity extraction world is about to get better thanks to @konklone et al https://t.co/F1s0uZhkai 21:30:49, 2013-12-02