- RT @sglassmeyer: Exciting news: I'm spending next year as a Fellow in the Library Innovation Lab and Affiliate of Berkman Ctr working on fr… 10:07:37, 2015-04-01
- My Twitter Digest for 03/31/2015 http://t.co/YSoOH7t4yL 15:30:16, 2015-04-01
My Twitter Digest for 03/31/2015
- @sglassmeyer any sense of how many academic law libraries are self-hosting digital repos as opposed to outsourcing the function? 10:32:54, 2015-03-31
- @sglassmeyer @jjoerg42 I see that even the event site is hosted on BePress. So if LibGuides and BePress sold out to TR, what would we do? in reply to sglassmeyer 10:57:14, 2015-03-31
- . @sglassmeyer Guess where they're hosted? http://t.co/8w5cszW3qs Once upon a time they hosted them locally. And search works on the PDFs. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:42:57, 2015-03-31
- @sglassmeyer What formats are the quarterly dumps in? Can thye be used to create local repos? Is anyone doing that? in reply to sglassmeyer 15:04:45, 2015-03-31
- RT @Dries: Acquia adds Staples CFO to its Board of Directors http://t.co/AwPcuvHUlU 15:12:55, 2015-03-31
- RT @davewiner: We need to pick a drop-in open source text editor for MyWord in JavaScript. Recommendations sought. http://t.co/VV6nRNQqNQ 15:13:48, 2015-03-31
- My Twitter Digest for 03/30/2015 http://t.co/El1Ug5HFcT 15:30:32, 2015-03-31
- RT @ShiraOvide: Explaining the tech industry, in a sentence. MT @JeffElder: Jury note from Pao-Kleiner http://t.co/lnNbcqQBJB 17:12:07, 2015-03-31
- RT @hypothes_is: RT @HypothesisEng: Interested in building annotation tools / projects? Apply to our Open Annotation Fund! https://t.co/Glq… 17:28:33, 2015-03-31
- Presentation: Attacking WordPress http://t.co/WsqqEagB0F 22:14:31, 2015-03-31
- This screencast shows a court opinion being added to a WordPress blog via Fastcase API. Coming soon to #Classcaster. http://t.co/FXfobyQMaX 23:19:57, 2015-03-31
My Twitter Digest for 03/30/2015
- RT @McDawg: The analogy of turning a PDF back into a cow http://t.co/8nWny4hUUY f/t @srp & http://t.co/xResLKoGQp f/t @dullhunk http://t.co… 11:38:56, 2015-03-30
- RT @StateBarofGA: Members of the State Bar of Georgia get access to @fastcase for free. Try it today! http://t.co/0Qh5uEkike 16:58:59, 2015-03-30
My Twitter Digest for 03/27/2015
- The deadline for submitting session proposals for 25th annual #CALIcon15 is 1 week away, April 3, 2015. http://t.co/jcB8E7Be7i. Propose Now! 13:24:46, 2015-03-27
- My Twitter Digest for 03/26/2015 http://t.co/RgBHGeXtY4 15:30:16, 2015-03-27
My Twitter Digest for 03/26/2015
- RT @davewiner: Someday, if all goes well, all software will be silo-free. http://t.co/o8BzJh55sa 13:53:23, 2015-03-26
- RT @GITenberg: We're using @Travisci and @asciidoctor to build books hosted on @Github. Here are inprogress notes: https://t.co/3LoxdSwmGw 14:13:16, 2015-03-26
- My Twitter Digest for 03/25/2015 http://t.co/GWUWwXmRXS 15:30:49, 2015-03-26
- A successful Git branching model » http://t.co/pvlI6F1rgd http://t.co/M3CPvfJJMk 16:01:32, 2015-03-26
- RT @JonathanEzor: I know who should host TopGear now that Jeremy Clarkson has been fired: @JohnPMayer! https://t.co/GUgmbhPiNY 17:49:37, 2015-03-26
My Twitter Digest for 03/25/2015
- RT @EJWalters: .@vdavez Tort = forced contract btwn parties who don’t negotiate before. Scraper is forced API btwn parties who don’t agree … 07:52:30, 2015-03-25
- RT @jeffrey_taylor: Lawyers, this may be the best post you'll read all day.
- Some thoughts on process. @IgnoreIntuition On The Pastry Box https://t.co/4cAXLvZCjF via @thepastrybox [timely, it seems] 08:01:11, 2015-03-25
- Earl at the salad bar. http://t.co/2C2flMFPRL 11:25:13, 2015-03-25
- RT @mikeloukides: Interesting. I thought IRC would never die.. Slack Is Quietly, Unintentionally Killing IRC http://t.co/kNAV5xogQ4 11:26:56, 2015-03-25
- Mozilla utilizes open education resources to improve participation | http://t.co/dPnyw7UCo7 http://t.co/RACXWNn9jE 14:36:54, 2015-03-25
- My Twitter Digest for 03/24/2015 http://t.co/HXwF6azf5e 15:30:52, 2015-03-25
- How to install Windows 10 March Build (10041) on Oracle VirtualBox http://t.co/XXeCCo0oor 16:49:00, 2015-03-25
My Twitter Digest for 03/24/2015
- Full-Text Search Algorithm in Javascript | Burak Kanber’s Blog http://t.co/FTOD2eqG44 06:23:18, 2015-03-24
- Facebook releases Augmented Traffic Control, an open source tool for simulating network conditions http://t.co/kRkzYPVF5P 09:14:37, 2015-03-24
- My Twitter Digest for 03/23/2015 http://t.co/2hAd9zi7cu 15:34:27, 2015-03-24
- RT @rdlankes: A generous gift from this morning's keynote. #ileadusa http://t.co/qqIMiGBxdv 15:58:26, 2015-03-24
My Twitter Digest for 03/23/2015
- Law School Applications: How Low Can They Go? http://t.co/dpsOWWkLUi via @WSJ 06:51:49, 2015-03-23
- Flowchart Explains Bluebook Rules on Code Year http://t.co/RFg6tbJnG4 08:01:44, 2015-03-23
- Interview with David Lippman of Pierce College | http://t.co/dPnyw7UCo7 http://t.co/MMmHgHk8vM 11:59:01, 2015-03-23
- Use Personas to Make Websites Better http://t.co/fgH1uUMz8p 16:33:23, 2015-03-23
- RT @teknoids: Teknoids Post: #CALIcon15: Time to get those session proposals in http://t.co/PhWbCThZBW 16:34:22, 2015-03-23
My Twitter Digest for 03/21/2015
- Bucatini with Butter-Roasted Tomato Sauce Recipe – Bon Appétit http://t.co/LNZUr4v9bS 07:30:59, 2015-03-21
- My Twitter Digest for 03/20/2015 http://t.co/t5ucvjUEFv 15:30:19, 2015-03-21
My Twitter Digest for 03/20/2015
- Pet zebra mauls Arkansas judge http://t.co/8A7Dwu6RZw via @ABAJournal 08:59:35, 2015-03-20
- RT @sglassmeyer: #2 Fail. A lot. Test yourself often and low risk testing is high utility learning. #ILT2015 // good example: @caliorg l… 09:21:46, 2015-03-20
- RT @davewiner: MyWord Editor: silo-free from start. http://t.co/2ZVyw13Y2n 10:49:39, 2015-03-20
- Here's a Google Scholar search for spiral curriculum http://t.co/nlL0XquLtG @sglassmeyer #ILT2015 in reply to sglassmeyer 10:51:02, 2015-03-20
- RT @LegalEDweb: Back after lunch!
Thank you @UIFworld and @caliorg for all of the help to make today possible!
- My Twitter Digest for 03/19/2015 http://t.co/7qSmSp574Z 15:30:13, 2015-03-20